Legal Disclamer for Non Government Identifications and/or International Document Center does not assume the legal responsability with third parties, if any of the users or holders of a Personal Identification Card issued by our company is used as:

  • To comit a felony within others: Idintify your self as another person, obtain a legal benefit, cheat any person, official or private companies, obtain loans and/or services in a tricky way.
  • When the holder, user of the personal identification card has altered the information of his real identity (total or parcial) as names, sur-names, date of birth, address and high.
  • A money order for $30.00 (sent back to the applicant if the documents demanded do not comply with the requirements and/or there is suspicion of false document identification.

Florida Estatutes FSA 877.17 & 1003.21 State Vs Mitro 700 So. 2d 643 (Fla. 1977)
Identification card or document purporting to contain applicant's age or date of birth, penalities for failure to comply with requirements for sale or issuance."

  1. It is unlawfull for any person, except a guvernmental agency or instrumentality, to sell or issue, or to offer to sell or issue, in this state any identification card or document purporting to contain the age or date of birth of the person in whose name it was issued, unless:

  2. (a) Prior to selling or issuing such card or document, the person has the first obtained from the applicant and retains for a period of three (3) years from the date of sale:

  1. An authenticated or certified copy of proof of age provided in s. 323.03; and

  2. A notarized affidavit from the applicant attesting to the applicant's age and that the proof-of age documenr required by subparagraph 1. is for such applicant.

  3. (b) Prior to offering to sell such cards in this state, the person has inclued in any offer for sale of identification cards or documents that such cards cannot be sold or issued without the applicant's first submitting the documents required by the paragraph (a) (c) The identification card or document contain the business name and street address of the person selling or issuing such card or document.

  4. For the purposes of this section, the term " offer to sell" includes every inducement, solicitation, attempt, or printed or media advertisiment to encurage a person to purchase an identification card.

  5. All records required to be maintained by this section shall be available for inspection without warrant upon reasonable demand by any law enforcement officer, including, but not limited to, a state attorney investigator or an investigator for the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
Title XVI, Education, Chapter 232 , Compulsory School Attendance
Child welfare. 232.03 Evidence of date of birth required.--Before admitting a child to prekinderganden.....If the first prescribed evidence is not available, the next evidence obtainable in the order set forth below shall be accepted:

  1. A dully attested transcript of the child's birth record file according to law with a public officer charged with the duty of recording births;

  2. A dully attested transcript of a certificate of baptims showing the date of birth and place of baptism of the child, accompanied by an affidavit sworn to by the parent.

  3. An insurance policy on the child's birth accompanied by an affidavit sworn to by the parent;

  4. A passport or certificate of arrival in the United States showing the age of the child;

  5. A transcript of record of age shown in the child's school record of at least 4 years prior to application, stating date of birth; or

  6. If none of these evidences can be produced, an affidavit of age sworn to by the parent, accompanied by a certificate of age signed by a public health officer or by a public school physician, or if neither of these shall be available in the county, by a licensed practicin physician designated by the school board, which certificate shall state that the health officer or physician has examined the child and believes that the age as state in the affidavit is substantialy correct.